7 Secrets to Exercise Motivation and Sports Motivation

1-Make it a habit: Make exercise a habit. The initial stages of any exercise program are arduous. That is the simple truth. The only way to make it though the initial stages of an exercise program is to use your will power and do it. The trick is to persevere long enough that you cannot do without your daily fix of exercise. It helps to exercise at the same time every day. Also, little things like laying out your exercise gear the night before can make it that much easier when the morning alarm rings. If you persevere you will cultivate mental toughness in other areas of your life.

2-Aim for sustainability: When we are starting out we may let our enthusiasm get the better of us. It is important to do a manageable amount of exercise each session. So even if this means 15 minutes on a treadmill or a 10 minute walk around the park, so be it. Just commit to it daily and progressively increase your workout load. Many of us have fallen into the habit of doing too much too soon; this is an enemy to progress. The key to exercise motivation is making your program sustainable, going too hard too early can lead to injuries or burn out.

3-Caffeine: A shot of coffee before an exercise regime can be great for your exercise motivation and may contribute to increased fat burning. Just make sure you do not drink the caffeine to unhealthy levels and that you stay properly hydrated throughout and after your workout.

4-Buddy: Rope in some friends. Having a friend by your side can be an excellent motivator. Not only can you keep each other inspired but it is an opportunity to catch up with a friend other than over a pizza or a beer!

5-Motivational Music: Loading up your music player with some inspiring or high energy music can be super powerful. You can even program your player with music to suit different stages of the routine. For example, tunes to build up your anticipation during pre-stretching, high energy exercise during the work out and slower music during cool down. However, never listen to music in such a way that you are unaware of what is happening around you, both in terms of traffic and other threats to personal safety.

6-Get a trainer: If you can afford it consider getting a personal trainer. Having a trainer keeps you accountable and ensures you are exercising in a safe and effective manner. The best trainers are great at motivating you to perform and achieve your goals.

7-Keep the end in mind: A basic principle of sports psychology is to always keep in mind what you are aiming to achieve with your exercise regime. This means keeping written goals which you review regularly. You may wish to share these with a friend (this adds extra accountability!) Whenever you feel your inspiration lagging, refer to your goals and it may help.
Article Source: http://ezinearticles.com/?7-Secrets-to-Exercise-Motivation-and-Sports-Motivation&id=4021613
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